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1) In ANAHEIM there is stop and go traffic on 57 ORANGE FWY northbound between KATELLA AVE and PATHFINDER RD in DIAMOND BAR2) In HAWTHORNE there is stop and go traffic on I-105 CENTURY FREEWAY eastbound between I-405 and I-605 in DOWNEY3) In SANTA MONICA there is stop and go traffic on I-10 SANTA MONICA FREEWAY eastbound between 20TH ST/EXIT 1B and I-110 in LOS ANGELES because there is a left lane closed4) In CALABASAS there is slow traffic on US-101 southbound between LAS VIRGENES RD and LANKERSHIM BLVD in STUDIO CITY as reported by caltrans5) In LOS ANGELES there is slow traffic on I-405 SAN DIEGO FREEWAY southbound between MULHOLLAND DR/SKIRBALL CTR DR and ROSECRANS AVE in HAWTHORNE6) In LOS ANGELES there is slow traffic on I-5 GOLDEN STATE FREEWAY southbound between GLENDALE BLVD and I-10 in LOS ANGELES7) In LOS ANGELES there is slow traffic on I-710 LONG BEACH FREEWAY southbound between I-5 and ALONDRA BLVD in LONG BEACH8) In MONTEBELLO there is slow traffic on 60 POMONA FWY eastbound between ATLANTIC BLVD and 57 ORANGE FWY in LOS ANGELES9) In LOS ANGELES there is slow traffic on I-110 HARBOR FREEWAY southbound between ADAMS BLVD and MANCHESTER AVE10) In LOS ANGELES there is slow traffic on I-5 GOLDEN STATE FREEWAY northbound between I-10 and BUENA VISTA ST in BURBANK11) In ALHAMBRA there is slow traffic blocking right lane on I-10 SAN BERNARDINO FREEWAY eastbound between FREMONT AVE and CITRUS AVE in FONTANA because there is an accident. right lane blocked12) In LOS ANGELES there is slow traffic on 91 RIVERSIDE FWY eastbound between ARTESIA BLVD and LAKEWOOD BLVD in BELLFLOWER13) In WEST COVINA there is slow traffic on I-10 SAN BERNARDINO FREEWAY westbound between COVINA PKY/ORANGE/PACIFIC AVE and I-605 in BALDWIN PARK14) In NORCO there is slow traffic on I-15/RIVERSIDE COUNTY northbound between I-15-BL/2ND ST and SIERRA AVE in FONTANA15) In CARSON there is slow traffic on 91 RIVERSIDE FWY westbound between AVALON BLVD and CENTRAL AVE (COMPTON) in COMPTON because there is an accident. shoulder blocked16) In LOS ANGELES there is slow traffic on I-405 SAN DIEGO FREEWAY northbound between CENTURY BLVD and SEPULVEDA BLVD/MONTANA AVE17) In LOS ANGELES there is slow traffic on I-110 HARBOR FREEWAY northbound between CENTURY BLVD and I 10/HWY 110 as reported by caltrans18) In LOS ANGELES there is slow traffic on US-101 southbound between SUNSET BLVD and I-519) In LOS ANGELES there is slow traffic on I-10 SANTA MONICA FREEWAY westbound between I-110 and I-40520) In AZUSA there is slow traffic on I-210 FOOTHILL FREEWAY eastbound between VERNON AVE and GRAND AVE in GLENDORA21) In CHATSWORTH there is slow traffic blocking right lane on 118  FWY westbound between DE SOTO AVE and TOPANGA CANYON BLVD because there is a vehicle on fire22) In LONG BEACH there is slow traffic on I-710 LONG BEACH FREEWAY northbound between 91 FRWY and I-5 in LOS ANGELES23) In REDLANDS there is slow traffic on I-10 SAN BERNARDINO FREEWAY eastbound between ALABAMA ST and HWY 30 because there is a disabled vehicle. right lane blocked24) In GRAND TERRACE there is slow traffic on I-215 southbound between BARTON RD and LA CADENA DR/CENTER ST in RIVERSIDE because there is an accident. center lane blocked25) In RIVERSIDE there is slow traffic on 91 RIVERSIDE FWY westbound between TYLER ST and MAGNOLIA AVE (RIVERSIDE)26) In YORBA LINDA there is slow traffic on 91 RIVERSIDE FWY eastbound between WEIR CANYON RD/ YORBA LINDA BLVD and MCKINLEY ST in RIVERSIDE27) In NORWALK there is slow traffic blocking two right lanes on I-605 SAN GABRIEL FREEWAY northbound between ROSECRANS AVE and SLAUSON AVE in WHITTIER because there is an accident. two lanes blocked28) In PASADENA there is slow traffic on I-210 FOOTHILL FREEWAY eastbound between ALLEN AVE and BUENA VISTA ST in DUARTE29) In POMONA there is slow traffic on 60 POMONA FWY II eastbound between RESERVOIR ST and RAMONA AVE in CHINO because there is an object on roadway. caution30) In LOS ANGELES there is slow traffic on I-5 SANTA ANA FREEWAY southbound between HWY 60 and CARMENITA RD in SANTA FE SPRINGS31) In ANAHEIM there is slow traffic on 57 ORANGE FWY northbound between LINCOLN AVE and 91 RIVERSIDE FWY because there is a carpool lane blocked32) In BUENA PARK there is slow traffic on I-5 SANTA ANA FREEWAY northbound between ARTESIA BLVD/KNOTT AVE and SLAUSON AVE in LOS ANGELES33) In NEWPORT BEACH there is slow traffic on I-405 SAN DIEGO FREEWAY northbound between MACARTHUR BLVD and 55 COSTA MESA FWY in COSTA MESA because there is an object on roadway. caution34) In ANAHEIM there is slow traffic on 91 RIVERSIDE FWY westbound between HWY 57 and ATLANTIC AVE in LONG BEACH35) In TUSTIN there is slow traffic on I-5 SANTA ANA FREEWAY northbound between JAMBOREE RD and HWY 22/HWY 57 in SANTA ANA as reported by caltrans36) In ARCADIA there is heavy traffic on I-210 FOOTHILL FREEWAY westbound between SANTA ANITA AVE and SIERRA MADRE /SAN GABRIEL BLVD in PASADENA37) In WALNUT there is an off-ramp closed on 60 POMONA FWY westbound at BREA CANYON RD38) In GARDEN GROVE there is an on-ramp closed on 22 GARDEN GROVE FWY eastbound at MAGNOLIA ST
Type Road Description Detail Map
1) CA-57 In ANAHEIM there is stop and go traffic on 57 ORANGE FWY northbound between KATELLA AVE and PATHFINDER RD in DIAMOND BAR Detail Map
2) I-105 In HAWTHORNE there is stop and go traffic on I-105 CENTURY FREEWAY eastbound between I-405 and I-605 in DOWNEY Detail Map
3) I-10 In SANTA MONICA there is stop and go traffic on I-10 SANTA MONICA FREEWAY eastbound between 20TH ST/EXIT 1B and I-110 in LOS ANGELES because there is a left lane closed Detail Map
4) US-101 In CALABASAS there is slow traffic on US-101 southbound between LAS VIRGENES RD and LANKERSHIM BLVD in STUDIO CITY as reported by caltrans Detail Map
5) I-405 In LOS ANGELES there is slow traffic on I-405 SAN DIEGO FREEWAY southbound between MULHOLLAND DR/SKIRBALL CTR DR and ROSECRANS AVE in HAWTHORNE Detail Map
6) I-5 In LOS ANGELES there is slow traffic on I-5 GOLDEN STATE FREEWAY southbound between GLENDALE BLVD and I-10 in LOS ANGELES Detail Map
7) I-710 In LOS ANGELES there is slow traffic on I-710 LONG BEACH FREEWAY southbound between I-5 and ALONDRA BLVD in LONG BEACH Detail Map
8) CA-60 In MONTEBELLO there is slow traffic on 60 POMONA FWY eastbound between ATLANTIC BLVD and 57 ORANGE FWY in LOS ANGELES Detail Map
9) I-110 In LOS ANGELES there is slow traffic on I-110 HARBOR FREEWAY southbound between ADAMS BLVD and MANCHESTER AVE Detail Map
10) I-5 In LOS ANGELES there is slow traffic on I-5 GOLDEN STATE FREEWAY northbound between I-10 and BUENA VISTA ST in BURBANK Detail Map
11) I-10 In ALHAMBRA there is slow traffic blocking right lane on I-10 SAN BERNARDINO FREEWAY eastbound between FREMONT AVE and CITRUS AVE in FONTANA because there is an accident. right lane blocked Detail Map
12) CA-91 In LOS ANGELES there is slow traffic on 91 RIVERSIDE FWY eastbound between ARTESIA BLVD and LAKEWOOD BLVD in BELLFLOWER Detail Map
13) I-10 In WEST COVINA there is slow traffic on I-10 SAN BERNARDINO FREEWAY westbound between COVINA PKY/ORANGE/PACIFIC AVE and I-605 in BALDWIN PARK Detail Map
14) I-15 In NORCO there is slow traffic on I-15/RIVERSIDE COUNTY northbound between I-15-BL/2ND ST and SIERRA AVE in FONTANA Detail Map
15) CA-91 In CARSON there is slow traffic on 91 RIVERSIDE FWY westbound between AVALON BLVD and CENTRAL AVE (COMPTON) in COMPTON because there is an accident. shoulder blocked Detail Map
16) I-405 In LOS ANGELES there is slow traffic on I-405 SAN DIEGO FREEWAY northbound between CENTURY BLVD and SEPULVEDA BLVD/MONTANA AVE Detail Map
17) I-110 In LOS ANGELES there is slow traffic on I-110 HARBOR FREEWAY northbound between CENTURY BLVD and I 10/HWY 110 as reported by caltrans Detail Map
18) US-101 In LOS ANGELES there is slow traffic on US-101 southbound between SUNSET BLVD and I-5 Detail Map
19) I-10 In LOS ANGELES there is slow traffic on I-10 SANTA MONICA FREEWAY westbound between I-110 and I-405 Detail Map
20) I-210 In AZUSA there is slow traffic on I-210 FOOTHILL FREEWAY eastbound between VERNON AVE and GRAND AVE in GLENDORA Detail Map
21) CA-118 In CHATSWORTH there is slow traffic blocking right lane on 118 FWY westbound between DE SOTO AVE and TOPANGA CANYON BLVD because there is a vehicle on fire Detail Map
22) I-710 In LONG BEACH there is slow traffic on I-710 LONG BEACH FREEWAY northbound between 91 FRWY and I-5 in LOS ANGELES Detail Map
23) I-10 In REDLANDS there is slow traffic on I-10 SAN BERNARDINO FREEWAY eastbound between ALABAMA ST and HWY 30 because there is a disabled vehicle. right lane blocked Detail Map
24) I-215 In GRAND TERRACE there is slow traffic on I-215 southbound between BARTON RD and LA CADENA DR/CENTER ST in RIVERSIDE because there is an accident. center lane blocked Detail Map
25) CA-91 In RIVERSIDE there is slow traffic on 91 RIVERSIDE FWY westbound between TYLER ST and MAGNOLIA AVE (RIVERSIDE) Detail Map
26) CA-91 In YORBA LINDA there is slow traffic on 91 RIVERSIDE FWY eastbound between WEIR CANYON RD/ YORBA LINDA BLVD and MCKINLEY ST in RIVERSIDE Detail Map
27) I-605 In NORWALK there is slow traffic blocking two right lanes on I-605 SAN GABRIEL FREEWAY northbound between ROSECRANS AVE and SLAUSON AVE in WHITTIER because there is an accident. two lanes blocked Detail Map
28) I-210 In PASADENA there is slow traffic on I-210 FOOTHILL FREEWAY eastbound between ALLEN AVE and BUENA VISTA ST in DUARTE Detail Map
29) CA-60 In POMONA there is slow traffic on 60 POMONA FWY II eastbound between RESERVOIR ST and RAMONA AVE in CHINO because there is an object on roadway. caution Detail Map
30) I-5 In LOS ANGELES there is slow traffic on I-5 SANTA ANA FREEWAY southbound between HWY 60 and CARMENITA RD in SANTA FE SPRINGS Detail Map
31) CA-57 In ANAHEIM there is slow traffic on 57 ORANGE FWY northbound between LINCOLN AVE and 91 RIVERSIDE FWY because there is a carpool lane blocked Detail Map
32) I-5 In BUENA PARK there is slow traffic on I-5 SANTA ANA FREEWAY northbound between ARTESIA BLVD/KNOTT AVE and SLAUSON AVE in LOS ANGELES Detail Map
33) I-405 In NEWPORT BEACH there is slow traffic on I-405 SAN DIEGO FREEWAY northbound between MACARTHUR BLVD and 55 COSTA MESA FWY in COSTA MESA because there is an object on roadway. caution Detail Map
34) CA-91 In ANAHEIM there is slow traffic on 91 RIVERSIDE FWY westbound between HWY 57 and ATLANTIC AVE in LONG BEACH Detail Map
35) I-5 In TUSTIN there is slow traffic on I-5 SANTA ANA FREEWAY northbound between JAMBOREE RD and HWY 22/HWY 57 in SANTA ANA as reported by caltrans Detail Map
36) I-210 In ARCADIA there is heavy traffic on I-210 FOOTHILL FREEWAY westbound between SANTA ANITA AVE and SIERRA MADRE /SAN GABRIEL BLVD in PASADENA Detail Map
37) CA-60 In WALNUT there is an off-ramp closed on 60 POMONA FWY westbound at BREA CANYON RD Detail Map
38) CA-22 In GARDEN GROVE there is an on-ramp closed on 22 GARDEN GROVE FWY eastbound at MAGNOLIA ST Detail Map